
Beonex Communicator

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(最終更新 2009-06-12 13:25)

Beonex Communicator is Mozilla polished for end users. It contains Navigator, Mailnews, Composer, and ChatZilla. Navigator has support for key web standards and a convenient interface. For example, it eases searching the Internet, similar to Apple's Sherlock on Macintosh. The Bookmark Manager can deal with huge collections of bookmarks and allows you to overview and sort them while you are surfing. If you want, you can track the latest headlines or webcams using the Sidebar. The Mailnews client supports multiple IMAP, POP3 and/or news accounts for each user, so you can download and manage all your email from various accounts in one place and store them on your computer or the server. Beonex puts a strong emphasis on security, privacy, and netiquette, to protect the private or confidential information on your computer and to encourage fairness.
