

Drupal is a modular content management system, forum, blogging and community engine. It is database driven and can be used with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Its features include (but are not limited to) discussion forums, Web-based administration, theme support, a submission queue, content rating, content versioning, taxonomy support, user management with a fine-grained permission system based on user roles (groups), error logging, support for content syndication, locale support, and much more. It is considered to be an excellent platform for developers due to its clean code and extensibility, and it can also be used as a Web application framework.


注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2005-10-25 15:58

XMLの穴- RPCライブラリを完全にライブラリを置き換えることによって修正されました。
タグ: Major security fixes
Holes in the XML-RPC library were fixed by replacing the library altogether.

2005-04-20 18:23

キーの変更をエンクロージャは、拡張可能なRSS 2.0のシンジケーションをサポートし、単一のコードベースから複数のDrupalサイトを実行するためのPHP5をサポートし、よりよい検索、登録ユーザーは、改善された複数の個人の連絡先フォームのサイトをサポートinclude()のポッドキャストなど、カテゴリ、サポートピンのpingを実行- O - Maticは、アクセス許可のため、多くのユーザビリティの向上すべての主要なpingサービスをpingするブロック構成、統計情報を追跡、ログ、フォーラムの設定、コンテンツ管理、およびもっと。
タグ: Major feature enhancements
The key changes include PHP5 support, better
search, personal contact forms for registered
users, improved multi-site support to run multiple
Drupal sites from a single code base, extensible
RSS 2.0 syndication support for enclosures (e.g.
podcasts) and categories, support for Ping
Ping-O-Matic to ping all major ping services, and
many usability improvements for permissions, block
configuration, statistics tracking, logs, forum
configuration, content administration, and more.

2004-10-20 12:16

タグ: Major feature enhancements
Some of the key changes include a tab-based user interface,
configurable menus, multiple roles per user, document/
image uploads, node-level permissions, improved locale
support, anonymous comments, theme system
improvements, customizable user profiles, usability
improvements, configurable input formats, and performance

2004-04-01 14:33

数多くの新機能は、Drupalの柔軟性、パフォーマンス、ユーザビリティを改善し、アクセシビリティを追加しました。いくつかの新機能のファイルのAPIは、MetaWeblog APIをサポートし、MovableTypeの拡張子、OPMLサポートし、新しいテーマを加えています。
タグ: Major feature enhancements
A number new features were added that improve
Drupal's flexibility, performance, usability, and
accessibility. Some of the new functionality
includes the addition of a file API, support for
the MetaWeblog API, and MovableType extensions,
OPML support, and new themes.

2003-11-10 15:45

タグ: Major feature enhancements
With this installment, specific focus has gone
into improving user-friendliness, both to
end-users and administrators. These improvements
include the introduction of URL aliasing, table
sorting, and database prefixing, as well as
substantial performance enhancements.
