[Howm-eng 8] Re: Howto sort todo list


khi****@users***** khi****@users*****
Tue Sep 13 01:22:14 JST 2005


At Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:08:24 -0500,
xsong****@india***** wrote:
> I am a newbie in howm. I want to know whether it is possible to sort my 
> howto list according the importance and how to do it.

This is an experimental code from

;; sort todo items according to their priority.
;; [2005-01-16]&3 foobar  ==>  priority = 3
(defun my-explicit-priority (late lazy item)
  (let ((r (or lazy 0)))
    (+ r (* late 0.00001))))
(defface explicit-priority-face '((t (:foreground "cyan"))) "my face")
(setq explicit-priority-face 'explicit-priority-face)
(howm-define-reminder "&" #'my-explicit-priority 'explicit-priority-face nil t t)

But, I believe "priority" in todo list is useless :-p

A typical scenario:
1. Number of todo items increases.
2. Soon, I tend to read "important" items only.
3. Then, I will give a high priority to every new item.
4. Inflation.
5. Ruin.

This is the reason why I dare to remove "priority"
and make such a curious "magic sorting" instead.

Do you have a better idea?


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