[tomoyo-users-en 114] Re: A simple question: log files

Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Thu Nov 26 12:24:55 JST 2009


Silva Paulo wrote:
> How do I do to redirect the logged records from /var/log/messages to any
> other log file, let's say /var/log/tomoyo?

Please use

	grep -F 'ERROR:' /var/log/messages
	grep -F 'WARNING:' /var/log/messages

if you want to get printk() logs.

printk() logs are just for telling policy violation occurred.
Better log with plenty information is available from /proc/ccs/reject_log .
You can start ccs-auditd like

	/usr/sbin/ccs-auditd /dev/null /var/log/tomoyo

using some startup script (e.g. /etc/rc.local).
You can use

	grep -A 3 -F " mode=enforcing " /var/log/tomoyo

to get logs of requests which violated policy in enforcing mode.


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