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Sun Nov 23 14:01:12 2014 UTC (9 years, 5 months ago) by kumaneko
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35 <h2>TOMOYO Linux on Android</h2>
37 <p>This page describes how to run TOMOYO Linux on Android emulator for ARM architecture. This page assumes Ubuntu 10.04.3 for x86_64 architecture as the host environment.</p>
39 <h3>Step 1: Install required packages.</h3>
41 <p>Install packages as suggested at <a href="http://source.android.com/source/download.html">http://source.android.com/source/download.html</a> .</p>
43 <pre class="command">
44 sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"
45 sudo add-apt-repository "deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner"
46 sudo apt-get update
47 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
48 sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev \
49 lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev \
50 libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc
51 </pre>
53 <h3>Step 2: Set environment variables.</h3>
55 <p>Set environment variables shown below. Adding to user's initrc script (e.g. ~/.bashrc ) is recommended.</p>
57 <pre class="command">
58 export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/mydroid/
59 export ANDROID_IMG=$ANDROID_HOME/image/
60 </pre>
62 <p>Create directories.</p>
64 <pre class="command">
65 mkdir -p $ANDROID_HOME
66 mkdir -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp
67 mkdir -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy
68 mkdir -p $ANDROID_IMG
69 mkdir -p $ANDROID_IMG/tmp
70 sudo mkdir -p /var/log/tomoyo
71 sudo chown -R `id -u` /var/log/tomoyo/
72 </pre>
74 <h3>Step 3: Build the Android environment.</h3>
76 <p>Download the source code and compile the emulator.</p>
78 <pre class="command">
80 wget https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo
81 chmod 755 repo
82 ./repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1
83 ./repo sync
84 source build/envsetup.sh
85 lunch full-eng
86 make
87 </pre>
89 <h3>Step 4: Compile tools for host environment.</h3>
91 <p>Install TOMOYO Linux's userland tools into host environment in order to manage Android emulator remotely.</p>
93 <pre class="command">
94 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/
95 wget -O ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz 'http://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=jaist&amp;f=/tomoyo/49693/ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz'
96 wget -O ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz.asc 'http://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=jaist&amp;f=/tomoyo/49693/ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz.asc'
97 wget http://I-love.SAKURA.ne.jp/kumaneko-key
98 gpg --import kumaneko-key
99 gpg ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz.asc
100 tar -zxf ccs-tools-1.8.3-20140601.tar.gz
101 cd ccs-tools
102 make
103 sudo make install
104 </pre>
106 <p>Also, create default configuration in order to prepare for policy management tools.</p>
108 <pre class="command">
109 sudo /usr/lib/ccs/init_policy
110 sudo chown -R `id -u` /etc/ccs/
111 echo 'rewrite head_pattern /acct/uid/\$/' &gt;&gt; /etc/ccs/tools/patternize.conf
112 </pre>
114 <h3>Step 5: Compile tools for emulator environment.</h3>
116 <p>Install TOMOYO Linux's agent program into Android emulator environment.</p>
118 <pre class="command">
119 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/
120 wget -O agcc http://plausible.org/andy/agcc
121 sed -i -e 's@4\.2\.1@4.4.3@g' -e 's@interwork/@@g' -- agcc
122 chmod 755 agcc
123 ./agcc -o ccs-editpolicy-agent $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-tools/usr_lib_ccs/ccs-editpolicy-agent.c
124 chmod 700 ccs-editpolicy-agent
125 </pre>
127 <h3>Step 6: Create initial policy.</h3>
129 <p>Create initial policy which will be embedded into the kernel.</p>
131 <ul>
132 <li>Use profile 1 (which is a profile for "learning mode") to all domains.</li>
133 <li>Automatically transit to "&lt;kernel&gt; //./system-user" domain when the current process's UID or GID has changed from 0 to 1 to 9999.</li>
134 <li>Automatically transit to "&lt;kernel&gt; //./app-user" domain when the current process's UID or GID has changed from 0 to 10000 or above.</li>
135 <li>Give some permission from the beginning.</li>
136 <li>Do not distinguish individual Android applications.</li>
137 <li>Only /sbin/ccs-editpolicy-agent is allowed to modify policy via /proc/ccs/ interface.</li>
138 </ul>
140 <p>An example with conditions above is shown below. But it would be too loose to give write access to ANY_PATHNAME to "&lt;kernel&gt; //./app-user" domain. When applying to real devices, you should use more strict permissions such as forbidding write access to /system/ directory.</p>
142 <pre class="command">
143 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/
144 cat &gt; profile.conf &lt;&lt; "EOF"
145 PROFILE_VERSION=20100903
146 0-COMMENT=-----Disabled Mode-----
147 0-PREFERENCE={ max_audit_log=1024 max_learning_entry=2048 enforcing_penalty=0 }
148 0-CONFIG={ mode=disabled grant_log=no reject_log=yes }
149 1-COMMENT=-----Learning Mode-----
150 1-PREFERENCE={ max_audit_log=1024 max_learning_entry=2048 enforcing_penalty=0 }
151 1-CONFIG={ mode=learning grant_log=no reject_log=yes }
152 2-COMMENT=-----Permissive Mode-----
153 2-PREFERENCE={ max_audit_log=1024 max_learning_entry=2048 enforcing_penalty=0 }
154 2-CONFIG={ mode=permissive grant_log=no reject_log=yes }
155 3-COMMENT=-----Enforcing Mode-----
156 3-PREFERENCE={ max_audit_log=1024 max_learning_entry=2048 enforcing_penalty=0 }
157 3-CONFIG={ mode=enforcing grant_log=no reject_log=yes }
158 EOF
159 cat &gt; exception_policy.conf &lt;&lt; "EOF"
160 path_group ANY_PATHNAME /
161 path_group ANY_PATHNAME /\{\*\}/
162 path_group ANY_PATHNAME /\{\*\}/\*
163 path_group ANY_PATHNAME /\*
164 path_group ANY_PATHNAME \*:/
165 path_group ANY_PATHNAME \*:/\{\*\}/
166 path_group ANY_PATHNAME \*:/\{\*\}/\*
167 path_group ANY_PATHNAME \*:/\*
168 path_group ANY_PATHNAME \*:[\$]
169 path_group ANY_PATHNAME socket:[family=\$:type=\$:protocol=\$]
170 acl_group 0 file getattr @ANY_PATHNAME
171 acl_group 0 file ioctl @ANY_PATHNAME 0-0xFFFFFFFF
172 acl_group 0 file read /dev/urandom
173 acl_group 0 file read /system/bin/linker
174 acl_group 0 file read /system/lib/lib\*.so
175 acl_group 0 misc env _
176 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_ASSETS
177 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_BOOTLOGO
178 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_DATA
179 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_DNS_MODE
180 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE
181 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_ROOT
182 acl_group 0 misc env ANDROID_SOCKET_\*
183 acl_group 0 misc env ASEC_MOUNTPOINT
184 acl_group 0 misc env BOOTCLASSPATH
185 acl_group 0 misc env EXTERNAL_STORAGE
186 acl_group 0 misc env HOME
187 acl_group 0 misc env LD_LIBRARY_PATH
188 acl_group 0 misc env LOOP_MOUNTPOINT
189 acl_group 0 misc env ndns
190 acl_group 0 misc env PATH
191 acl_group 0 misc env qemu
192 acl_group 0 misc env RANDOM
193 acl_group 0 misc env SHELL
194 acl_group 0 misc env TERM
195 acl_group 0 task auto_domain_transition &lt;kernel&gt; //./app-user task.gid=10000-4294967295
196 acl_group 0 task auto_domain_transition &lt;kernel&gt; //./app-user task.uid=10000-4294967295
197 acl_group 0 task auto_domain_transition &lt;kernel&gt; //./system-user task.gid=1-9999
198 acl_group 0 task auto_domain_transition &lt;kernel&gt; //./system-user task.uid=1-9999
199 acl_group 1 file getattr @ANY_PATHNAME
200 acl_group 1 file ioctl @ANY_PATHNAME 0-0xFFFFFFFF
201 acl_group 1 file read /dev/urandom
202 acl_group 1 file read /system/bin/linker
203 acl_group 1 file read /system/lib/lib\*.so
204 acl_group 1 misc env _
205 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_ASSETS
206 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_BOOTLOGO
207 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_DATA
208 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE
209 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_ROOT
210 acl_group 1 misc env ANDROID_SOCKET_\*
211 acl_group 1 misc env ASEC_MOUNTPOINT
212 acl_group 1 misc env BOOTCLASSPATH
213 acl_group 1 misc env EXTERNAL_STORAGE
214 acl_group 1 misc env HOME
215 acl_group 1 misc env HOSTNAME
216 acl_group 1 misc env LD_LIBRARY_PATH
217 acl_group 1 misc env LOOP_MOUNTPOINT
218 acl_group 1 misc env MKSH
219 acl_group 1 misc env PATH
220 acl_group 1 misc env PS1
221 acl_group 1 misc env RANDOM
222 acl_group 1 misc env SHELL
223 acl_group 1 misc env TERM
224 acl_group 1 misc env USER
225 EOF
226 cat &gt; domain_policy.conf &lt;&lt; "EOF"
227 &lt;kernel&gt;
228 use_profile 1
229 use_group 0
231 &lt;kernel&gt; //./system-user
232 use_profile 1
233 use_group 1
235 file read/write/unlink/rmdir/truncate/symlink @ANY_PATHNAME task.euid=1-9999 task.egid=1-9999
236 file create/mkdir/mkfifo/mksock/chmod @ANY_PATHNAME 0-0777 task.euid=1-9999 task.egid=1-9999
237 file link/rename @ANY_PATHNAME @ANY_PATHNAME task.euid=1-9999 task.egid=1-9999
239 &lt;kernel&gt; //./app-user
240 use_profile 1
241 use_group 1
243 file read/write/unlink/rmdir/truncate/symlink @ANY_PATHNAME task.euid=10000-4294967295 task.egid=10000-4294967295
244 file create/mkdir/mkfifo/mksock/chmod @ANY_PATHNAME 0-0777 task.euid=10000-4294967295 task.egid=10000-4294967295
245 file link/rename @ANY_PATHNAME @ANY_PATHNAME task.euid=10000-4294967295 task.egid=10000-4294967295
246 EOF
247 echo /sbin/ccs-editpolicy-agent &gt; manager.conf
248 echo &gt; stat.conf
249 </pre>
251 <h3>Step 7: Build the Android kernel.</h3>
253 <p>Download and extract the kernel source code.</p>
255 <pre class="command">
256 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/
257 git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/goldfish
258 cd goldfish/
259 git checkout origin/android-goldfish-2.6.29
260 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$ANDROID_EABI_TOOLCHAIN/arm-linux-androideabi- make -s goldfish_armv7_defconfig
261 </pre>
263 <p>Apply TOMOYO Linux patch.</p>
265 <pre class="command">
266 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/goldfish/
267 wget -O ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz 'http://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=jaist&amp;f=/tomoyo/49684/ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz'
268 wget -O ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz.asc 'http://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=jaist&amp;f=/tomoyo/49684/ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz.asc'
269 gpg ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz.asc
270 tar -zxf ccs-patch-1.8.3-20141123.tar.gz
271 patch -p1 &lt; patches/ccs-patch-2.6.29-android-goldfish.diff
272 sed -e 's/# CONFIG_CCSECURITY_OMIT_USERSPACE_LOADER is not set/CONFIG_CCSECURITY_OMIT_USERSPACE_LOADER=y/' -- config.ccs &gt;&gt; .config
273 mkdir -p security/ccsecurity/policy/
274 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/*.conf security/ccsecurity/policy/
275 </pre>
277 <p>Compile the kernel.</p>
279 <pre class="command">
280 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/goldfish/
281 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$ANDROID_EABI_TOOLCHAIN/arm-linux-androideabi- make -s
282 cp -p arch/arm/boot/zImage $ANDROID_IMG/kernel.img
283 </pre>
285 <h3>Step 8: Copy Android's image files.</h3>
287 <p>Copy image file used by Android emulator.</p>
289 <pre class="command">
290 cd $ANDROID_HOME/out/target/product/generic/
291 cp -p system.img ramdisk.img userdata.img $ANDROID_IMG
292 </pre>
294 <h3>Step 9: Edit Android's ramdisk image.</h3>
296 <p>Copy the agent program into Android emulator's ramdisk and configure the agent to be automatically executed upon boot.</p>
298 <pre class="command">
299 cd $ANDROID_IMG/tmp/
300 zcat ../ramdisk.img | cpio -id
301 echo &gt;&gt; init.rc
302 echo 'service ccs_agent /sbin/ccs-editpolicy-agent' &gt;&gt; init.rc
303 echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;class core' &gt;&gt; init.rc
304 echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;oneshot' &gt;&gt; init.rc
305 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-editpolicy-agent sbin/
306 find . -print0 | cpio -o0 -H newc | gzip -9 &gt; ../ramdisk.img
307 </pre>
309 <h3>Step 10: Start the Android emulator.</h3>
311 <p>Start the Android emulator. Specify the kernel made at step 7 and the ramdisk made at step 9.</p>
313 <pre class="command">
314 emulator -kernel $ANDROID_IMG/kernel.img -ramdisk $ANDROID_IMG/ramdisk.img -sysdir $ANDROID_IMG \
315 -data $ANDROID_IMG/userdata.img -show-kernel
316 </pre>
318 <h3>Step 11: Enable TCP port forwarding.</h3>
320 <p>Configure port forwarding in order to communicate with the agent program running in the emulator. Below line makes TCP connection requests sent to host environment's port 10000 are forwarded to emulator environment's port 7000. As you have configures ccs-editpolicy-agent to listen at port 7000 at step 9, you can communicate with the agent program by connecting to host environment's port 10000.</p>
322 <pre class="command">
323 adb forward tcp:10000 tcp:7000
324 </pre>
326 <h3>Step 12: Operate via agent.</h3>
328 <p>You can browse/edit policy via agent program by starting ccs-editpolicy as shown below.</p>
330 <pre class="command">
331 /usr/sbin/ccs-editpolicy
332 </pre>
334 <p>You can save audit logs by starting ccs-auditd as shown below. Please be careful with disk's free space because a lot of logs are generated.</p>
336 <pre class="command">
337 /usr/sbin/ccs-auditd
338 </pre>
340 <p>You can interactively handle policy violation in enforcing mode by starting ccs-queryd as shown below. Press Ctrl-C to terminate ccs-queryd.</p>
342 <pre class="command">
343 /usr/sbin/ccs-queryd
344 </pre>
346 <p>You can make patterns by running ccs-patternize as show below. Edit /etc/ccs/tools/patternize.conf as needed since the rules for making patterns are defined in that file.</p>
348 <pre class="command">
349 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/
350 /usr/sbin/ccs-savepolicy -d &gt; domain_policy.old
351 /usr/sbin/ccs-patternize &lt; domain_policy.old &gt; domain_policy.new
352 /usr/sbin/ccs-diffpolicy domain_policy.old domain_policy.new &gt; domain_policy.diff
353 less domain_policy.diff
354 /usr/sbin/ccs-loadpolicy -d &lt; domain_policy.diff
355 </pre>
357 <h3>Step 13: Updating policy</h3>
359 <p>Since the policy updated after the boot resides only in the kernel memory, the updated policy will be lost when the emulator is terminated. Be sure to save the updated policy before terminating the emulator.</p>
361 <pre class="command">
362 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/
363 /usr/sbin/ccs-savepolicy -e &gt; exception_policy.conf
364 /usr/sbin/ccs-savepolicy -d &gt; domain_policy.conf
365 /usr/sbin/ccs-savepolicy -p &gt; profile.conf
366 </pre>
368 <p>Run below commands to update policy which will be embedded into the kernel.</p>
370 <pre class="command">
371 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/*.conf $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/goldfish/security/ccsecurity/policy/
372 </pre>
374 <p>Recompile the Android kernel.</p>
376 <pre class="command">
377 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/goldfish/
378 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$ANDROID_EABI_TOOLCHAIN/arm-linux-androideabi- make -s
379 cp -p arch/arm/boot/zImage $ANDROID_IMG/kernel.img
380 </pre>
382 <p>Restart the Android emulator.</p>
384 <pre class="command">
385 emulator -kernel $ANDROID_IMG/kernel.img -ramdisk $ANDROID_IMG/ramdisk.img -sysdir $ANDROID_IMG \
386 -data $ANDROID_IMG/userdata.img -show-kernel
387 </pre>
389 <p>When you have finished developing the final policy files, you can specify a profile for enforcing mode (use_profile 3) to domain_policy.conf which will be embedded into the kernel. By using a profile for enforcing mode, you can enable access control from the moment /init in the initramfs is executed. After you have verified that the emulator works as expected with a profile for enforcing mode, you can remove /sbin/ccs-editpolicy-agent added at step 9. Also, you can remove ccs-editpolicy-agent from /init.rc and from profile.conf which will be embedded into the kernel.</p>
391 <h3>Appendix: Hints for allowing policy updates after boot</h3>
393 <p>Regarding Android devices, users can add applications which are not shipped with the device. Above procedure assumed there will be no need for updating policy when applications are added by categorizing into 3 groups based on the Linux's UID value.</p>
395 <p>However, you may want to allow updating policy when special applications are added. In that case, you can split policy files into the "fixed" part which will be embedded into the kernel for use at the boot stage and the "variant" part which will not be embedded into the kernel for use after the boot stage.</p>
397 <p>You can reduce the risk of tampering the "fixed" part by deploying the kernel into the read-only partition. But you may not be able to reduce the risk of tampering the "variant" part because the "variant" part will likely be located into the read-write partition. In that case, you can use (e.g.) GPG signature and append the policy into the kernel only when you verified that the "variant" part is not tampered.</p>
399 <p>TOMOYO Linux provides a mechanism for querying external userland application when a policy violation in enforcing mode has occurred. You can implement a program like ccs-queryd and daemonize the program instead of ccs-editpolicy-agent .</p>
401 <h3>Appendix: Hints for not embedding policy into the kernel</h3>
403 <p>If you want not to embed policy files into your kernel by some reason, you can replace</p>
405 <pre class="command">
406 sed -e 's/# CONFIG_CCSECURITY_OMIT_USERSPACE_LOADER is not set/CONFIG_CCSECURITY_OMIT_USERSPACE_LOADER=y/' -- config.ccs &gt;&gt; .config
407 mkdir -p security/ccsecurity/policy/
408 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/*.conf security/ccsecurity/policy/
409 </pre>
411 <p>with</p>
413 <pre class="command">
414 sed -e 's:/sbin/init:/init:' -- config.ccs &gt;&gt; .config
415 </pre>
417 <p>in Step 7. If you do so, you will need to copy /sbin/ccs-init (as a policy loader, and /system/bin/linker /system/lib/libc.so /system/lib/libm.so which /sbin/ccs-init depends on) into ramdisk image. You cannot use symlinks to files in /system/ partition because /system/ partition is not yet mounted as of /sbin/ccs-init is executed. Also, please modify ccs-init.c as needed (for example, embed the content of $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/policy/*.conf into ccs-init.c) because it is designed to read policy files from /etc/ccs/ directory. Below example changes ccs-init.c to read policy files from /ccs/ directory because /init.rc in Android emulator's ramdisk creates /etc as a symlink to /system/etc/ directory.</p>
419 <pre class="command">
420 cd $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/
421 sed -e 's:etc/ccs:ccs:g' $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-tools/sbin/ccs-init.c &gt; $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-tools/sbin/ccs-init2.c
422 ./agcc -o ccs-init $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-tools/sbin/ccs-init2.c
423 cd $ANDROID_IMG/tmp/
424 mkdir -p sbin system/bin system/lib
425 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/tmp/ccs-init sbin/
426 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/out/target/product/generic/system/bin/linker system/bin/
427 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/out/target/product/generic/system/lib/libc.so system/lib/
428 cp -p $ANDROID_HOME/out/target/product/generic/system/lib/libm.so system/lib/
429 chmod 700 sbin/ccs-init system/bin/linker system/lib/libc.so system/lib/libm.so
430 find . -print0 | cpio -o0 -H newc | gzip -9 &gt; ../ramdisk.img
431 </pre>
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