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2004-03-01 21:49
Beta 1 pre 21 (0.06)

予備のスレッドをサポートします。カスタマイズ可能なツールバーです。作成ウィンドウの改善のスペルをチェックする。このリリースでは、フォローアップ- Toヘッダーをサポートして、ウィンドウのサイズと位置をセッション間で記憶はデフォルトで自動スペルチェックをしており、メールをMail.appでに統合できます。
Preliminary threading support. Customizable toolbars. Better spell checking in the compose window. This release remembers window size and position between sessions, supports the followup-To header, has auto spellcheck on by default, and integrates with Mail.app for email.

2004-01-28 18:12
Beta pre 4

タグ: Minor bugfixes
Most users will not notice much of a change, aside
from the toolbar (whose icons are not final).
However, since it has been heavily tested and is
known to be very stable, users are encouraged to
upgrade to this version. Most of the work done so
far has been to meet the basic requirements of

2004-01-20 04:26
Alpha .03.3

タグ: Major bugfixes
This is another bugfix release for version .03.
Hopefully, this has nailed down the big crashing
bug that was causing problems with the last 3

2004-01-17 08:01
Alpha .03

タグ: Major feature enhancements
This release includes KHTML rendering for messages with Webcore. It converts the NNTP library to Cocoa and Objective-C. It supports proper closing and hiding. It now features much nicer message display with HTML, and color highlighting of quoted messages. It fixes several NNTP bugs, which were causing segfaults. It adds a spell checker for composition, and an indicator of whether a message has been read.

2003-11-19 07:02
Alpha .02

タグ: Minor feature enhancements
This version includes several bugfixes and the
implementation of features which were missing in the
initial release, including proper reply (quotes) and posting
(character limits), username/password authentication,
more options in the preferences, and signatures.
